Tips for Bigger Vape Clouds

    How to set airflow settings for maximum vapour clouds

    More airflow means more cooling capacity and more vapour. The more air you can get over your coil, the lower you can keep the temperature. The temperature should be low enough so that you do not burn your wick due to excessive power, or insufficient airflow.

    Keeping the temperature low minimises the risk of burning your wick because it keeps everything cooler, but also brings a fresh flow of air into the mix and encourages condensation of the vapour into a cloud.

    By increasing the air going over your coil, you’re giving your device the chance to make more vapour.

    Having air flowing rapidly across the coil removes this “old” vapour and allows it to be replaced by “new vapour.” This means you get more vapour than you would with less airflow, because you’re providing a constant supply of fresh air to be filled with vapour.

    This is really only one of the reasons vapour production increases with more airflow, though.

    Adjusting your power settings for maximum clouds

    If you vape at 60 W you’ll get much bigger clouds than when you’re vaping at 30 W, as long as it’s with the same tank and e-juice. It seems easy (and it is), but there are a couple of other things to bear in mind before you go cranking it up to 100 W.

    When you increase the power flowing through the coil (in your tank), you increase the amount of heat generated, which is one of the reasons you need that extra airflow.

    Some people do like hotter vapour than others, but most will want to counterbalance that heat with some extra air. There is no right or wrong way to vape, though, so just experiment and see what you like best.

    But the decision to increase airflow has other consequences too. The airflow plays an important role in the tightness of the draw. Less air will give more resistance (and feel more like puffing a cigarette), more air will give an airier vape.

    Again, vapers’ preferences for airflow vary, so you should experiment a little to find what you like.

    To choose a specific power setting, you need to consider your choice of tank too.

    Although you should use a sub-ohm tank (which can all cope with higher power) for cloud-chasing, not all of the coils in your tank are rated for the same power settings. The suggested settings are usually printed on the coil itself, and these are a good guide to the power you can put through them.

    The guidelines are there for a reason. It usually struggles with wicking or the vapour gets uncomfortably hot towards the upper end.

    However, they aren’t set in stone, so if you find yourself wanting more vapour, you can always try out some higher settings. We don’t recommend going too far above the recommendation (you’ll probably get some dry hits), but really it’s all about your preferences.

    The bottom line is; for big clouds, you want maximum airflow and plenty of power.  This is where regulated mods and big batteries come in.



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